Agency SVA has developed a series of prints for very amusing and severe toys Kid Robot. For quite some time now toys have ceased to be equal in rights. There was a new race which was so strong and severe, that only the most awful nightmares could satisfy their insidiousness.
This race has received name Kid Robot and has received, most likely, possibility to be the strongest and ruthless race of toys on the Earth. And at the same time — and the most charming ;)
French agency Publicis Conseil has developed a roller for telecommunication operator Orange a Christmas roller absolutely without snow and other Christmas attributes, i.e. — it is absolute in style Orange.
The solar summer spot suggests, what not all adults have played enough in the childhood, and many of them on the former dream of toys in a gift for Christmas as dreamt of them in the childhood. "The internal child" in these adults works on the toy elevating crane, lives in Barbie's small house and cares for pink Baby Poni in a stable. Christmas European campaign underlines, that the child in us it is fine and very valuable. Orange encourages it, giving in toy holidays to the clients.
The main thought: "Not only kids dream of toys. This Christmas the toys for grown-ups at Orange".
The American company Mattel making the most popular doll in the world, Barbie, exposes the tender for media planning and sales across Europe. The contract volume makes more than 100 million dollars.
According to the informed sources, Mattel in the end of current month will meet a number of agencies, and then will make the list of participants of competition. The tender is a component of process of the general revision of contracts.
On the majority of the European markets, except for the Eastern Europe, agency MindShare entering into advertising-communication holding WPP Group is engaged in service of media contracts of the company. In particular, the holding has a contract on media planning and sales in the Great Britain, the size in 10 million pounds ($20 million). The contract on creative service is at agency Ogilvy and Mather (also WPP Group).
In Czechia have shown, how girls-models are unfortunate and ugly. Anabell Foundation — the Czech organisation, which activity consists in propagation of a healthy way of life in a counterbalance to a fashion on leanness and the diseases connected with this illness.
In advertising of service of psychological support sick the bulimia and an anorexia represent a doll in the beautiful box reminding a coffin. At the same leanness, as well as at Barbie, the doll possesses real human proportions. So in agency McCann Erickson (Prague) have shown, that the live person can possess doll parametres only having finished itself to a skeleton condition.
The Australian artist John Beinart working in a genre of surrealism, creates rather strange toys reminding whether monsters from horror films, whether characters of delirium under cocaine.
At a sight at them, to tell the truth, it would be desirable to ask — whether all normally their author?
Doll-centipede or doll-gomunkulusy John's most outstanding works of a steel. As you them do not name, all of them equally remain the most terrible dolls on light.
The artist has simulated them in 2004. As a material on one doll leaves nearby from several to tens usual dolls which can be got in any toy shop.
The manufacturer of toys Mattel which main hit is Barbie's doll, starts a line of lady's wear and accessories.
The new brand has received name Barbie Luxe.
Under this label bonus jeans, blouses, handbags and ornaments will be made. Things Anna Sui, Tarina Tarantino and other eminent designers will be decorated with traditional elements of doll style, such as pink stitches on jeans.
«The collection is focused on women of fashion — teenagers and women from 20 till 40 years, — the senior vice-president on marketing Mattel speaks Richard Dickson. Is a target audience new to us».
Mattel will acquaint women with a new brand for interview during a Week of haute couture and special presentations, and also will place boards in the underground. Interest to mark is guaranteed by attraction of venerable designers, such as: Anya Hindmarch, Anna Sui, Judith Leiber, Citizens of Humanity, Nickel, Not Rational, Cloth and Paper Denim, Tarina Tarantino and Stila.
Including concerning natural departures. Time is women doing not wish to be reconciled with the "belittled" position, means, there is a demand. And demand, as is known, gives rise to the offer. Also it zakrutilos-was started turning… What trifle… you will tell. At all is not present!
For the sake of these adaptations in a round dance physicians, industrial and graphic designers, psychologists and experts in ergonomics have begun to spin. I do not know, when for the first time there were similar "devices", but that for the present moment their assortment, is wide enough it precisely. I was convinced of it, preparing this material. By the way, for especially envious persons devices similar to a penis are offered, but it is a separate theme...
On thought concluded in the review name, me the project of German designer Daniela Lengers has pushed. The project under name Stand2Pee, as a matter of fact, is the complex decision. In which to the women, wishing to cast as the man, it is given on a choice of the whole three various ways. What? Two with use of special adaptations. One "device" from plastic also is reusable. It is necessary to notice, that the adaptation under name TravelMate is prize-winner The Medical Design Excellence Awards in a nomination «Over-the-counter and self-care products». There is also such award.
Other "device" is disposable and is made of a paper. The pattern and the manufacturing scheme is applied by improvised means.
Well and the third way is in detail described in the booklet and on a project site
Daniela Lengers, graduate Muenster University of Applied Sciences, has developed a corporate style for these original adaptations, as the degree project. The project has turned out fashionable, bright, easy, quite logical and not without humour and irony. The woman rising from a semibent position, reminds the scheme of evolution of the person across Darwin.
In the project it is possible to note influence of pop art and club culture of the end 90. Fashionable nowadays in Australia colour sexy-pink, initially positioned as the maiden colour and scale of red-pink shades, associate with "Barbie's" doll, one of mass culture phenomena.
The girl with widely placed feet and provocative position of hands… \/ Became the basic symbol of the project. Not clear, there was that fact, whether it was possible to realise commercially this project or the project while in a working out stage.
Who knows, there can be in the future any woman cannot imagine the everyday life without such adaptation. And can, the gene engineering will introduce "fruits".
Mattel Company represents the online Barbie World —, this world offers girls the possibilities similar to possibilities of the real adult world.
On the girls can create own virtual Barbie characters, create dresses for the virtual dolls, select an interior of Barbie rooms. BarbieGirls inhabitants can buy fashionable dresses and luxury furniture in the virtual trade complex.
The Virtual World for Barbie Fans
Representatives of Mattel assure, that the Virtual Barbie World is absolutely safe for girls. The web portal is developed with use of special filters which will carry out protection of the personal information of users. Thus the Mattel managers hopes to increase interest of modern girls to music, a fashion and the Internet.
Mattel undertakes considerable efforts to break-even sales level of a legendary brand. Because, the break-even sales level of classical Barbie dolls in the US market has decreased on 21%.
The forbidden advertising is some kind of an indicator of system of public values, a taboo and good taste.
In this review we have collected some examples of advertising which have been for whatever reasons forbidden to display in the various countries. If attentively to look narrowly at mentioned below examples it is possible to find out, that as a whole not too it is a lot of these reasons.
The most volume category is advertising which to some extent offends feelings of spectators. Such advertising can contain violence, aggression, the death image, to induce to vandalism and infringements of an order or somehow still to tread on corns looking — in a word, to have so strong emotional component, to be considered unsafe for human mentality, and so loosened as stresses and rate of a life of the modern world.
Advertising of shopping centres Harvey Nichols has been accused by the British authorities of the irresponsible image of traffic and the insult of victims...
The advertising campaign of bags Eastpak in the French press has been forbidden even before placing (in France all advertising is subject to censorship) because of a strong emotional component.
Cosmetics advertising, for corpses, has been developed for serial support «Six Feet Under» about death, regeneration and new sights at these problems at British television channel Channel 4. Nevertheless, advertising have published in enough known printing editions Hello, Time Out, The Observer and The Times.
The line of elite cosmetics denying an introduction «that dead a poultice», is intended for reduction of appearance deceased in conformity with «live standards» — the embalming creams constraining signs of decomposition, the shine simulating natural completeness and colour of lips, ointment for concealment of damages of a body and giving to a body of a shining shade.
In general, all for appearance in afterlife from a funeral bureau «Fisher and Sons». Claimants have accused advertising of a shock of the population and a deceit of potential buyers.
And some more examples which basically do not demand explanations about the interdiction reason.
The second, the juiciest and all favourite, a category include works at which there is too much sex or imitations which ostensibly discriminates women, and in general any platitudes and liberties which can offend an innocent eye of the consumer.
For example, the advertising campaign of the manufacturer of man's linen JBS has been forbidden by the Norwegian society of consumers Forbrukerombudet which has considered, that images are too frank, and besides discriminate women.
Advertising of a network of shops of the goods for women The Body Shop wished to tell, that in the world many "simple" women, but has been forbidden in America that the authorities have seen an insulting parody to Barbie's real doll in advertising, and in Hong Kong because «the nude woman distracted movement of vehicles and offended passengers».
And one more eloquent example of discrimination.
The following small category is forbidden too because of discrimination, but a little other sort. For example, advertising of minicigars Hamlet in England has offended «Association of the limited growth": in their opinion dwarfs — therefore such low mean advertising messages, that, that they or their mothers smoked in the childhood.
Court, having agreed, that such advertisement makers in view of had no anything, however recognised as mockery a situation represented in the first poster (though advertisement makers and assured, that the interrogated dwarfs with humour concern the everyday problem).
Claims to two following spots diametrically different. One is forbidden for ridicule and infringement of the sexual minorities, the second for their propagation. To the whimsical western consumer you will please with nothing!
Marvellously, there were also religious reasons for an interdiction of some works. So fashionable mark Marithe and Francois Girbaud, decided to take for an advertising basis «Secret evening», was not pleasant to religious-sensitive citizens, sacred which was obviously used in commercial objectives. «Is not present, advertisers were justified, we simply create new expression of feminity!».
The severe Italian advertising authorities have decided: posters confuse concepts "sacred" and "secular" and equate a commercial product to a religious symbol — to forbid!
This print too causes unambiguous religious associations.
This spot for Levi's has received a considerable quantity of complaints from televiewers of Christian creed. They have seen use of a symbol of religious sect in advertising, and also them has offended the slogan of obviously bible origin sounded in campaign.
German advertising agency Jung von Matt undertook advertising of suppliers of the equipment for bathrooms CWS which allows to influence the client final design. The creative idea compares design of a bathroom to game in "Barbie's" dolls where it is possible to place all subjects how it will want.
In 1963 Alfred Hitchcock has finished shootings of the cult film "The Birds" and same year the film masterpiece left in film service.
This year to a film 45 years are executed. In honour of this event, doll corporation "Mattel" starts a special series of dolls of Barbie simulating sketch from this trilogy.
Besides Barbie, in the complete set birds are included. Calmness! Birds toy. Probably...
To abuse Barbie, accusing a doll in all mortal sins plus in decomposition of customs and contribution to a civilisation decline, is considered in a certain circle a good form.
Barbie's phenomenon has been created not by company "Mattel" which only has presented in 1959 to little girls an "adult" doll with three replaceable suits, and all a darkness who from first day of existence of this doll spoke about a doll not as about a children's toy and as about the live person and as about a social problem.
Several years ago, when Barbie after forty two years of marriage has divorced from Ken, "Mattel" has commented on this situation so: "They remain friends, but have got tired from each other and are going to investigate new horizons".
Other world completed, thought out, projected, interpreted — and in the answer hated, empathized, protested, forbade, struggled and suffered.
Museum of Childhood is branch of a museum of Victoria and Albert in London.
In a museum the history of the childhood since 16th century till today is described. The museum is entirely devoted toys, puppets, dolls, games both children's clothes and furniture.
For advertising of the Museum of the Childhood agency AMVBBDO, UNITED KINGDOM, London have thought up the unusual advertising company: in streets of London have placed shoes of the huge size which were offered to all adults to be measured and recollected as they were children.
Vintage Barbie dolls. Loved like a sister. Decapitated by a brother
Come make some art. Whether it's acrylic on canvas, crayon on card or ink on tongue
In honour of an anniversary of the most well-known doll of the world, designers have presented to a doll a modest gift. So, on a week of a fashion in New York, such eminent designers as Vera Wang, Badgley Mischka, Tommy Hilfilger and Calvin Klein have dressed models in stylistics of the world of Barbie. I hope, that Barbie remained is happy...
New York design bureau Slade Architecture has designed the biggest in the world shop of sales of dolls of Barbie. Territorially: Shanghai, China. To describe the grandiose project it is not meaningful, look photos is better...